Baldi's Basics is a unique and unconventional educational horror game that takes players on a surreal journey through a seemingly ordinary schoolhouse. As the protagonist, you find yourself trapped inside the school with Baldi, the stern and unsettling
teacher, who sets you on a mission to collect notebooks scattered throughout the building. However, as you progress, you quickly realize that this is no ordinary educational experience. Players must solve a series of
math problems to collect the notebooks, all while avoiding the clutches of Baldi, who becomes increasingly aggressive with each mistake made. The game's retro-style graphics and quirky characters add to the charm and
unpredictability of the experience. With its blend of humor, horror, and challenging gameplay, Baldi's Basics offers a refreshingly unique gaming experience that keeps players on their toes. Can you outsmart Baldi and
escape from the schoolhouse before it's too late? Dive into the bizarre world of Baldi's Basics and find out.